Robotic Iron Casting Fettling
Robotic Iron Casting Fettling is revolutionary solution for Iron Foundries. Fettling is major bottle neck for foundries. Most of the foundries till now were doing fettling work manually. It is time consuming process as well as very hazardous for the workers’ health. With automation replacing manual process, foundries are achieving better productivity along with consistency in output.
- Fettling Heavy Iron Castings including Cylinder Heads/Blocks, Housings, etc.
Specifications (RCF Series):
- Fully Automatic Robotic Machine for Iron Casting Fettling
- Component Handling capacity 20 Kg to 1000kg, up to 2000mm Length
- Operations Performed :
- Riser and Gate Cutting
- Parting Line Grinding
- Deburring for Sharp Edges
- Hole Break-in
- Rugged Machine Build
- Automatic Path Correction for Variations in Casting
- Maximum Fettling Performance
- Automatic Tool Change
- Automation for Load/Unload